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iPhone Tips 6
My iPhone tips are some of the most fun and definitely the most responded to of my “Tech Tips”.  When I teach the iPhone & iPad seminars for the local chambers of commerce, I always get comments about my iPhone tips and how helpful they are.  Many of the tips come from questions and suggestions from my friends and family.

Here we go with more tips on how to better use your iPhone:

Full Screen Website Browsing > Simply rotate your iPhone to the landscape position (sideways) and wait a second for the page to change, now tap the Full-Screen icon and the page will expand to maximum size for easier viewing.

Social Media Status > Keep your social activities up to date in seconds with your iPhone.  In Settings make sure you sign in, Tweet to Twitter or Post to Facebook directly from your Safari Internet Browser, Photos or your Camera.  The iPhone makes social interaction easy.

Personalized Keyboard > In Settings, tap General > Keyboard > Add New Shortcut.  Now you can easily assign short cuts for words, create a custom dictionary, so your keyboard not only autocorrects, but knows exactly what you want to say as you type.

Saved Email Drafts > Return to your email message easily and quickly, in Mail, touch and hold the Compose button and you will be switched to your last saved message draft.

Remember, if you have any iPhone questions, you can always comment here, send me an email or ask me at my next seminar.


John McCann
John McCann & Associates, Inc.
IT Management for Small Business
Computer Services, Solutions & Support