Recently I was talking to a friend in Statesville; we were deeply embedded in a conversation about business, business ethics and morals. I respect my friend and his opinions very much, so when I am blessed with more than a few minutes of his time to talk business, I’m all ears!
As we discussed our individual business models, his being Internet marketing and mine obviously computer technologies, he divulged something I found extremely interesting. He revealed his disdain for those businesses that advertise services they do not provide, companies that advertise low introductory rates, only to increase the bottom line as the project progresses. I agreed that promoting your business must be truthful and follow an ethical code of conduct, some morality in business as well as life.
I continued to think about what my friend said and how impactful it should be to all business owners. Business ethics influential enough to have other owners and managers take notice and seek a similar path. What is the harm in proclaiming your services? Why shouldn’t a business clearly state their specialties and expertise, along with admonishing services not provided?
At John McCann & Associates, we provide computer repair and network support to small business owners. Our preferred service areas are from Huntersville to Statesville, with our primary focus being in Statesville and MooresvilleNC.