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iPhone 4S Tips and Tricks
The iPhone has taken mobile Internet and communication to the highest level, surpassing their competition in customer satisfaction almost over night.  The very popular 4S (or Siri) is the most common iPhone you will currently encounter, only because so many people love their iPhone, they have not upgraded to the iPhone 5 yet, but it’s coming.

Here are a few tips you may or may not know about your iPhone 4S AKA Siri.

  • Need help with your iPhone, simply press and hold the HOME button and Siri will ask if it can help.  If you press the “i” button, a list of help options will appear for your review.
  • I LOST MY IPHONE!!!  If you are one of the thousands that have trouble keeping up with their phone, here’s a feature you’re going to love.  Go to your iCloud via Settings and turn on the Find My iPhone feature, then when your phone goes missing, simply sign in via your computer at iCloud.com to access the Find My iPhone feature.
  • Reply to an email fast by saying “REPLY” and speaking into your iPhone, Siri will type your reply for you.
  • Dictate instead of typing an email by tapping the microphone icon on the keyboard and begin talking.  When you’re finished, tap “DONE” and your words will appear for your review.  This cool feature can also be utilized to post your status to your favorite social media websites.
  • Emoticons add flare and character to your text messages.  Siri offers numerous smileys, animals and/or shapes on your emoji keyboard.  Just go to Settings – General – Keyboard and tap International Keyboards.  Add a new keyboard and select Emoji.  Simply tap the “GLOBE” button and choose your emoticon.

These are 5 easy things you can do with your iPhone 4S.  We will be posting more iPhone tips and tricks, so check back often.

John McCann
John McCann & Associates