The more I research and learn about the iPhone and iPad, the more impressed I am with these products. I recently found myself daydreaming about doing more research for this “Tech Tips” category; it is quickly becoming my favorite.
Here are a few more iPhone tips for you to enjoy.
- Nothing can compare to rest, rejuvenating our bodies, re-charging our batteries, are just a few phrases that come to mind. Our friends and family may have good intentions when they call, but to ensure a peaceful nights sleep or just a short cat nap, turn on the DO NOT DISTURB function on your iPhone.
- Make your websites home page the home screen for your iPhone. Navigate to your website’s home page in Safari > tap ADD TO HOME SCREEN
- Back to Top is a hot link on many web pages that takes you to the top of the web page. On your iPhone, tap the STATUS BAR to return to the top of the page you are viewing on your iPhone.
- Screen Print is a feature PC users have enjoyed for decades, you can also use this feature on your iPhone by pressing and holding the SLEEP button > press the HOME button > you just saved a copy of your screen as a picture to your iPhone.
- Love the iBooks feature on your iPhone? View all PDF’s from a website or an email in iBooks by holding the PDF icon > select OPEN IN iBooks.
If you have some iPhone or iPad tips and tricks to share, please send them to me as a comment to this post.
John McCann
John McCann & Associates