Computer threats are not just Internet related, power sources can cause catastrophic damages to your work station if left unprotected. We recommend 2 types of work station protection.
- Surge
- Battery
Surge Protection:
Electricity is required to power your workstation which includes your computer, printer and often a variety of peripherals as well. Electrical issues can arise from:
- Storms
- Power Surges
- Brown-Outs
Quality surge protection will protect your workstation from many electrical issues and potentially save you thousands of dollars in repairs, replacements or data loss.
Battery Backups:
An Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) keeps your workstation in constant power. A quality UPS will allow you the benefit of stopping your work session vs major damages that could arise from sudden power loss. Battery backups are not expensive as compared to the potential damage they thwart.
John McCann
John McCann & Associates, Inc.
IT Management for Small Business
Computer Services, Solutions & Support